Saturday, November 10, 2012

We're Getting Ready

So, you know how Thanksgiving is coming up?

And, if you're one of the -- ahem -- lucky ducks out there who gets the privilege of cooking an excessively large meal for everyone you love, then you might have started making a list or two. You might be building a menu and a grocery list and now you're just waiting patiently for me to suggest the perfect thing to have as a hors d'oeuvre. If that is the case, then you are in luck! Here you go. You're welcome! (And even if you aren't even lifting a finger on Thanksgiving except to pop the tabs on a dozen PBRs, then you've now got access to the most seasonal dip on the block. You know, you could really impress the cook if you brought this along to Thanksgiving. I'm just saying.)

Bottom line, pumpkin hummus is here, my November friends. It's brilliant, really. The pumpkin's smoothness translates so well to hummus, since silkiness is, in my opinion, the most important feature of a really great hummus. The true magic, though? It's so incredibly easy you could do it in your sleep. So, you know, just get out these ingredients, close your eyes, and turn on the sharpest blade in the kitchen. Because, like deep-frying our turkeys indoors with little to no ventilation, that's how we do the holidays around here. On the edge, and with a very deep sense of delicious adventure. This is America, after all.

Pumpkin Hummus

1 can pumpkin
2 or 3 T tahini
1-2 t ground cumin
1/8 C olive oil
3 garlic cloves, chopped
juice from 1/2 lemon
salt and pepper to taste
cayenne pepper to taste
nutmeg, cinnamon, allspice (optional)
pumpkin seeds (pepitas)

Combine all ingredients in a food processor. Taste and adjust accordingly!

If it's too thick, add a bit more olive oil. If you want it spicier, add more cayenne or red pepper flakes. Also, different folks have different limitations on tahini and cumin, so use the amounts that taste best to you. I love this hummus without the nutmeg, cinnamon, and allspice, so try it without those things first to see what you think. Add pepitas to the top for serving.

This hummus is so versatile, just like regular old hummus. Apply to sandwiches, or just use with vegetables, apples, crackers, or chips. Vrooooom! Thanksgiving is here!

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