Exhibit A is a half-pear, half-apple, so you may call it whatever you like, as long as you are respectful. "Fruit mutt" is not so nice. Asian pear, some say. Apple pear, others say. Either way, this thing just wants to be known for its deliciousness and handsomeness. The worst choice I ever made was buying only one of these at the farmers market yesterday. Oof, I panicked! I already was making my way through herds and herds of uptight humans -- I was muled up (you know, muled up) with ears of corn, cabbage, apples, and, of course, all of the other heaviest stuff that they had available. I couldn't carry one more thing! And who's to say that the apple-pear would be a success, anyway? Well, as it turns out, me. It was perfect. Perfect consistency, perfect flavor, perfect everything. I'm one motion away from calling the farm and asking them to save me a bushel of those amazing things. I have no idea which variety it is, though, so I will end up referring to it as the "roundish, greenish, smallish, smoothish kind." That should make sense to any farmer. Nichols Farm, I swear I'm not crazy! Wait for me!
Exhibit B is a full bred pear with special contours and qualities. I am trying to see how long I can keep it. I have officially had it for 29 days, and it is exactly as hard as it was when I received it. The best thing is that I got the pear as a present from someone who knew how much I would like to have a pear that looked like this. And I do! I like having a pear that looks like this. Thankfully, it is apparently a rock, so I will have it forever. Meanwhile, I will wait for more (edible) pears to come into my life. Starting...now.
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