Do you like peaches?
Yes=make this jam!, No=go find something better to do!
If you said Yes,
Buy, find, or steal some really good peaches
Peel skin off peaches
Slice or chop peaches
Put peaches in a big pot
Are you using about 8-10 peaches?
Yes=add 1 C water, No=um, use another amount
Does this seem like enough water to start cooking the peaches?
Yes=go ahead to the next step, No=add more!
Add a tablespoon of sugar or 2 tablespoons agave nectar
Wait, taste it! Don't burn yourself!
Does that taste like too much?
Yes=don't worry, it'll be okay. Add a little lemon juice to balance it out, No=add more
Cook gently, stirring every once in a while
As peaches get softer, mash them in the pot
Is it starting to look like jam?
Yes=stop cooking it, No=keep cooking it
Cool it off for about 15 minutes and put it in a jar
Are you hungry?
Yes=eat it now, No=wait, don't eat it yet
Clean up your kitchen!
You don't feel like cleaning up?
Right, I don't feel like it=do it later!
Wrong, I can't wait to clean up=do it now!
Beautiful photos and an enticingly simple recipe! Can't wait to try it.
ReplyDelete-Emily Wright