Saturday, January 5, 2013

Behold: Saturday!

Today, you'll find me indoors. It's snowing on and off, the temperature is Winter, and I've decided not to go outside until March. Since I'm recovering from this godforsaken illness everyone has, I figure I'll avoid all future diseases by not ever going outside again. To begin my day, there were waffles at 2 p.m. (I'm not kidding, this has been an unusual and supremely slow-moving day). There was mango-beet-ginger-peach-cherry juice, and now, I've just finished watching Jiro Dreams of Sushi. As a result, I am trying to A.) figure out how to get my ass to Tokyo as soon as possible and B.) track down that director, David Gelb, to hug him until the cows come home. But while I work on those things, I wanted to touch base and say hello.

Hello! Do you want to make some protein-packed waffles tonight? You can have them for dinner! And then you can put the rest in the fridge and have them tomorrow morning for breakfast with scrambled eggs. And then there will be more leftover waffles than THAT, and you will have them on Monday morning.  You will love having them on Monday morning especially. They will reheat so nicely in the toaster. You can have them with butter or syrup or Nutella or peanut butter or almond butter, or even just plain. Really, don't waffles sound perfect? These waffles are. They're perfect. And so are you. You are perfect.

Peanut Butter Banana Waffles

2 1/4 C all purpose flour
2 heaping T ground flax seed
4 t baking powder
1/2 C peanut butter (I prefer smooth, but crunchy works, too)
2 eggs
1 1/2 T sugar
2 1/4 C milk
1/4 C vegetable oil
1 large very ripe banana, mashed
1/4 C chopped pecans
blueberries or chocolate chips, optional
1/4 t salt
cooking spray

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl, stirring just until mixed. Add any other bits you'd like -- blueberries, chocolate chips, anything! Preheat a waffle iron. Add cooking spray to both sides, and ladle in the batter. Cook until golden brown on both sides.

See that? Andy sampled a crouton on his waffles. (When I commented to him that his crouton obsession would lead him to eat croutons on absolutely anything, he agreed wholeheartedly. And then he proceeded to add croutons to everything for the next two days. Waffles included.)

1 comment:

  1. JIRO is the BEST!
    I forgot to tell you to watch it when I did...aren't those close-ups delicious?
