Monday, October 15, 2012

Persimmon City, Indiana

Hello! Alert! Important news just in!

Persimmons. Have. A. Secret. Life.

Apparently, persimmons aren't just those apple-sized, shiny orange orbs hailing from California or Asia. They grow strangely close to me in, yes, INDIANA. It's true! Granted, they are tiny. And dangerously fragile. And full of giant seeds, which take over the entire fruit and leave only the smallest smidgen of actual pulp. But they're real! And they are available at the farmers market in the autumn in central Indiana. And I'm not kidding. My research reveals that it's called the American Persimmon and it's native to primarily the eastern U.S., although somehow they made their way over to Indiana at some point. It's traditionally eaten in a steamed pudding, although I, being decidedly more practical than that, chose to use the pulp for a cocktail. I mean, why have a pudding when you can have liquor?


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