Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sugar Bowl Hero

In a klutzy explosion of my body, I dropped a jar onto the sugar bowl from four feet up. Miraculously, the handle is the only part that broke. I did not, however, feel this markedly calm about it when it happened. When someone else breaks something, I am completely cool about it. And every once in awhile when I break something, I'm just as calm, but typically when I break something, I am a complete and utter wreck. And we're not talking just sort of cross. We're talking tragically sad and extremely mad at myself. For example:

Me: (wailing) I hate everything! I'm a horrible, terrible person! 
Him: It's okay!
Me: (still wailing) It's not! I'm an idiot! I hate sugar bowls! I hate cabinets! I break everything!
Him: It's okay!
Me: (still not over it) It's BRRROOOOOKKKENNNN!
Him: It's just the handle. Just one handle. It's okay! I'll fix it!
Me: (starting to kind of get over it) But we can't fix it! It's broken!
Him: Let's glue it.
Me: (a little skeptical and sniffly but nevertheless getting out the glue from the cabinet) Okay.
Him: (gluing it) See? It's going to be great.
Me: (needing reassurance) It will?
Him: (happy to assure me) Yes.
Me: It looks better already. 
Him: The glue dries white. See? It will look even better than before!
Me: (sniffing one last sniff, just for good measure) It does look (sniff) nice. You're (sniff) nice.

And he then proceeded to hold the handle on the sugar bowl for 31 minutes. 
Yes, 31 minutes, folks. 
31 minutes! 
Because the bottle of glue said it should be held in place for 30 minutes.
Because a rubberband wasn't good enough.
Because he wanted it to dry exactly right. 
Because I was sad. 
Because he's my sugar bowl hero. 


  1. Awww...
    It's also a great opportunity to look for a sugar bowl friend for your once-broken-not-broken-anymore sugar bowl. I mean, if the Internet is any indication, there are A LOT of cool sugar bowls out there, and knowing you, it seems like a neat thing to collect.
    Unless the previous sugar bowl has significant value sentimentally, in which case, forget everything from above.
    I love you.

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