Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Soup Shop

So, let's say you're making pretend soup with a bunch of five year-olds. Let's say this soup-making experience, which is full of paint and glue and sequins and dough, turns into a business model. Let's say that we depart art-making mode and art class morphs into some pretty serious talk about the opening of a soup restaurant, which is to be operated by said five year-olds and, thrown in for good measure, me. I mean, I do know a couple things about soup. If these children have a lick of sense betwixt them, they know it is wise to involve me in their restaurant empire. Clearly.

The next thing you know, you've developed a complete menu and, like magic, you're ready for the grand opening. Now all you have to do is sit back, relax, and sniff the delicious, soupy air as you wait for your first customers to arrive.

pumpkin-raspberry soup
pumpkin-blood soup
mustard soup
blood in mustard soup
candy soup
salt soup
salt-pile soup
sticky salt soup with little macaroni and papes*
pumpkin-blood soup
blood in mustard soup
glue soup
sugar candy soup time
sugar candy for everyone soup
bunny soup

And yes, you read that right. There were indeed cross-outs. I mean, we were brainstorming, after all! The blood soups were suggested pretty early on, but then the child who submitted the blood-soupn ideas initially reconsidered, offering some pretty solid reasoning: "I wonder if maybe we should take those blood soups off the menu because people might come into the restaurant and think those soups are gross and then they will leave and we can't give them soup." A minute later, after being absorbed in his artwork, he looked up and said, "Wait! Can you put them back on the list? Or uncross them? Because what if monsters come into the restaurant? We need to have a soup that monsters want!" True. Quite true.

This soup shop, well, it's really onto something here. I'll be sure to send you the grand opening flier with coupons attached!

*I don't know what they are, either.

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