Saturday, January 8, 2011

I Hate Kale Juice

Kale juice, I wanted to love you. I wanted us to love each other. I thought we would be happy together. The problem is that I absolutely, positively do not like you, even though you are the prettiest juice I ever laid my eyes on. When you are in your regular kale-ish role, I like you. I have eaten you raw and cooked and I feel good about your qualities. You can be so good. But I have to give it to you straight, kale. Your juice tastes like terrible, horrible poison. No, really, I think it was the most disgusting thing I have ever consumed in my entire life. I'm not exaggerating. It tasted like turpentine combined with all of the most miserable flavors that any one human can think of. One whole leafy bunch of goodness, gone. These, my friends, are the woes of juicing.

Not to worry, though! My failures are making me stronger. 


  1. yeah, colleen is onto something... needs blending. maybe some carrot, definitely apple, woah what about ginger... is he invited?
