Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Messy Romance

About a month ago, we fell in love.

It just happened. We weren't expecting it. It was just that I came home from Saturday morning errands, and I was much too tired to cook anything for lunch. The stove looked like a cumbersome beast, anyway. And I was already hot. And making a salad sounded like the most difficult thing on earth. My bags contained six thousand vegetables, a dozen bagels, and, as it turned out, this sandwich. My new love. My weekend fling!

It doesn't hurt that a toasted everything bagel is at the very top of my list of favorite things. Then add cream cheese and some particular spring vegetables, and magic is made. Here's what I like: toasted bagel! cream cheese! chives! spinach (or butter lettuce)! radish slices! black pepper! That's it. That's all. And yes, I have shocked even my own sandwich-snob self with its sheer simplicity. I like this sandwich with hot milky coffee, and, most importantly, with no one else around.

Really, let's get serious for a moment. Have you noticed how nice it is to eat a sandwich when you're alone? Let's face it. Sandwiches are terribly messy, and sometimes impossible to set down. If you're going to give a sandwich what it deserves, then you need to hold on tight and stay really focused. This means giving the sandwich your full attention and, in many case, getting sandwichy bits all over your face and lap and shirt. It's so hard not to! And the more delicious a sandwich is, the messier it usually is. And so, I like to be alone with this sandwich when we're engaged in our cahoots.

My Saturday mornings are starting to be defined by this sandwich, in fact. (Some Sunday mornings, too, but no need to talk about how obsessive I can get. That's certainly not very becoming!) This week was particularly insane (due to the fact that it's the time of year when I am placed in the constant charge of approximately 80 humans, 60 of whom are children, many of whom subsist on Lunchables and candy, thereby making their small bodies twist and wriggle incessantly with the confusion of processing food dyes, sodium diacetate, high fructose corn syrup, cottonseed oil, and "cheese product") and I admittedly shortchanged myself on the whole breakfast thing, so I dreamed of this sandwich every morning.

Then finally, Saturday! Today. Just me, my sandwich, my coffee, and a foot-tall stack of magazines that has been waiting for me for weeks. But, of course, the sandwich was messy, which means turning the page wasn't much of an option. I was entertained by this, though, as I read the same page of my Saveur June issue over and over. I was happy, though -- for peace and quiet, for Saturday, for simplicity, for a sandwich I love, and, most of all, for the sandwichy hands and face that would put a child's messiness to shame. These, I think, are the makings of a true romance.


  1. i'm an everything bagel sandwich freak too. i like mine with chives, cc, beets, and kale. during tomato season.. that's it. cc, bagel, and of course a cherokee purple! :)

  2. How do you manage to get someone to make your sandwich for you and get to eat it alone? That would be my ideal sandwich.
