This time, it would be chicken sausages. The involved parties were Colleen, Matty, Meghan, me, and, naturally, Tug Chamberlain. The first three humans hunted down the meatpacking supplies while I traveled to Meghan's (a.k.a. Sausage Town).
Now, let me just say that butcher shops aren't so good at being open on Sundays around here.
M, M, and C went to three butcher shops, all of which were closed. We were feeling a bit dismal until we discovered that the magnificent Gene's (that's Gene's Sausage Shop, thankyouverymuch) was open. We were saved.
After a moment of sheer panic at the meat counter (Me: "Do you have casings?" Butcher: "I don't think so." Me: "Really?" Butcher: "Mm, no. I think we're out." Me (feebly): "Ohhhggghhh!" Butcher: "Well, let me check in the back."), I was offered a very large bag of casings from The Back. Ah! Brilliant. Casings bliss. $13 dollars worth of casings bliss! Weeks and weeks of casings bliss. Also, 3 pounds of ground chicken, sausage rolls, special green apple water, housemade apple bratwurst (50 cents apiece is all!), and some chocolates that look like bees. Perfect. All a splendid deal, and I must just say that Gene's is just the loveliest place. Rush right over! The sausage (and everything else) will blow your mind!
Anyway, the important part is that sausage babies were on their way. So let's cut to the chase here, shall we?
Miles and miles of delight:

Our sausage mascot, armed and ready to be a special helper. See that tooth? It's especially good for eating sausage with.

Matty was the first, um, meat catcher. The both did a great job, right off the bat.
Sometimes this happened:

Sometimes this happened:

Then, all of a sudden, THIS happened:

Then this! (P.S. These suckers were grilled on a real, live, summertime grill! Outdoors. In winter. Thank you, grillers, for sacrificing, um, whatever it was that you sacrificed.)

We served them with aioli, fennel-pea-feta-macadamia nut salad, halloumi cheese, and "desert patties" (oh, sweet, patient, vegetarian Colleen, how we love you).
Then, well, we were ready for a little rest.

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