After telling the tale of sausages last night, and organizing things, and doing laundry, and plotting the future, I was suddenly starving and I realized it was 10:00pm. Dinner! Anxious about pizza, but pretty freaking tired, I pieced it all together, only to find that I had nothing even
resembling a tomato or a tomato sauce. How does this happen? I had practically every other fruit, vegetable, and sauce. But no tomatoes. Help.
Eyes darted around the kitchen! I braced myself! Panic! Then, I found it. Waiting patiently for me in the cupboard was this special potion:

And then I was saved. Goodness, do you KNOW about this outstanding product? It's brilliant! It's oh-so lovable! It's the kitchen hero! It's the powdered tomato goodness from The Spice House. All you do it mix it with water, and suddenly, it's tomato paste! Then, add more water. Now you have tomato sauce! Add even more. Tomato juice! Put your celery and salami and cheese cubes on a stick, and make yourself a bloody mary. Phew! It's all going to be okay after all.
Oh, and I know you were all itchin' to see that kangaroo jerky that I was talking about yesterday, so here you go. That's kangaroo on the left, and pheasant on the right.

Pheasant was the winner.
Yay Tomato Powder! You are a Hero! A Winner! A Savior! TPTTR (Tomato Powder to the rescue).